The Office Tv Show Dvd

The Office Tv Show Dvd 9,3/10 7187 votes

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  1. The Office Dvd Complete Series
  2. The Office Tv Show Dvd

TV show description: Based on a British series of the same name, this sitcom revolves around a group employees of the Dunder-Mifflin box company. Their day-to-day activities are being recorded for. When is The Office not exactly The Office? This collection is one instance; although the nine shorts included here come from the same source, they didn't air as part of the regular television show and don't feature some of the regulars, including stars Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer, and Rainn Wilson.

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Network: NBC
Episodes: 201 (half-hour)
Seasons: Nine

The Office Dvd Complete Series

TV show dates: March 24, 2005 — May 16, 2013
Series status:Ending

Performers include: Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, B.J. Novak, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Angela Kinsey, Phyllis Smith, Kate Flannery, Mindy Kaling, Creed Bratton, Paul Lieberstein, Oscar Nunez, Ed Helms, Melora Hardin, Craig Robinson, David Denman, Rashida Jones, Andy Buckley, Robert R. Shafer, Charles Estan, and Hugh Dane.

TV show description:
Based on a British series of the same name, this sitcom revolves around a group employees of the Dunder-Mifflin box company. Their day-to-day activities are being recorded for a documentary film.


The Office Tv Show Dvd

The staff is made up of socially-awkward regional manager Michael Scott (Steve Carell); gullible, know-it-all assistant regional manager Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson); intelligent prankster sales representative Jim Halpert (John Krasinski); obnoxious traveling sales representative Todd Packer (David Koechner); shy receptionist Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer); and blue-collar warehouse employee Roy Anderson (David Denman).

Series Finale:
Episode #200 & 201 — Finale
A year after the airing of the documentary, present and past employees gather for a reunion event and the wedding of Dwight and Angela.
First aired: May 16, 2013.

What do you think? Do you like The Office TV series? Do you think it should have continued for another season?

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