Serial Terminal For Windows

Serial Terminal For Windows 5,6/10 2705 votes

HyperTerminal Alternatives for Windows 7/8/10 If you’ve recently upgraded to Windows 7 or Windows 10 and are wondering what happened to HyperTerminal, you’re not alone! HyperTerminal was a sweet little program that let you connect to other computers, Telnet sites, host computers, BBSs, etc. Using your modem or Ethernet connection. Arduino Serial Monitor (Windows, Mac, Linux) The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the software side of the Arduino platform.And, because using a terminal is such a big part of working with Arduinos and other microcontrollers, they decided to included a serial terminal with the software.

  1. Download Terminal For Windows 7 64-bit
  2. Serial Terminal For Windows 10 Free

How would I go about viewing a list of COM ports in use without the use of Device Manager?

I don't want to install any software either. Is there a possible way to do this through the command line?


7 Answers

In the command prompt use


Used without parameters, mode displays all the controllable attributes of the CON (console) and the available COM devices (and LPT as well).

Accepts /? switch for basic help:

mode /?Generac generator warranty registration.


In the command prompt use:


In PowerShell:


Hope this helps.


I know the question has been answered, but this is another method.

In command prompt, use:
in windows Vista and up. Lists your ports and which device they are.

Thomas LarsenThomas Larsen

Using mode most of the time I don't see the devices that are not connected.

I prefer to use this solution with Python:

Download Terminal For Windows 7 64-bit

So I can see anything plugged in even if the connection is closed. is from package pyserial.


wmic is a windows command line utility to get system information.

If your serial port is virtual created by some driver through USB connection, use this example to get details about these serial ports.


The snippet below lists serial ports into the $PORTS variable

PORTS=/c/Windows/System32/ grep Status.*COM awk '{ print $4 }' sed s/://

echo -n 'Programming (echoing) ports: 'for aa in $PORTS; do echo -n $aadoneecho '

Peter GlenPeter Glen

You can also run the following from cmd.exe prompt

And here is an open source utility to do the same and more:


protected by CommunityFeb 2 at 20:37

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Download terminal for windows

Windows' built-in command line programs aren't that great on their own. To make them better, we like to use third-party terminal programs, our favorite being the customizable and free Console.

Note: For this App Directory entry, we're talking about separate terminal programs, not shells. Windows' Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Cygwin are all different shells that come with their own programs. The programs we're talking about today are separate programs that use shells already on your system, which is why you won't find PowerShell and Cygwin among the competitors.



Platform: Windows
Price: Free
Download Page


  • Provides a fully-functional command line interface (CLI) that can run any existing shell on Windows—like PowerShell, Cygwin, or even PuTTY
  • Open multiple tabs using any shell you want
  • Text editor-like text selection
  • Multiple window styles
  • Configurable fonts, colors and transparency
  • Lots of customizable hotkeys for opening new tabs, switching between tabs, and scrolling

Serial Terminal For Windows 10 Free


Where It Excels

Console is simple and easy to use while at the same time being much more configurable than any single-shelled program, while holding the ability to run any of those shells in a new tab—whether it be the UNIX-like Cygwin, Windows' very useful PowerShell, SSH king PuTTY, or the standard Windows Command Prompt. You can configure what the window looks like, open multiple tabs, and even run a number of different shells at once in the same window. It also has quite a few options for tweaking the behavior of the app, like how it selects text, which hotkeys and mouse buttons do what, and so on. If you ever do any work in a terminal on Windows, this program will make your life a little bit easier.

Where It Falls Short

If you're a very heavy or very advanced terminal user, you may want something even more powerful than Console. Console isn't the most feature-filled terminal on the block, but that's a good thing—most other terminal programs are way more powerful, cluttered, and expensive than most users need. So, if you're looking for something with built-in search or line numbers, you may want to check out the competition section below.


The Competition

The competition for apps like this is pretty thin on Windows. If you don't like Console, you'll probably want to check out PowerCmd as your next option. It's a bit pricier at $30, but it contains a few extra features like the ability to search your consoles, view multiple sessions in one big window, line numbering, and add bookmarks on certain lines. It's definitely not an app that most terminal users will need, and it's a bit slower than something like Console, but advanced users will probably prefer it.

If you're a really advanced user that requires a powerful terminal every day, you might want to try out Take Command. It's very expensive ($99), but also insanely powerful, adding more than 140 new commands and 460 internal functions and variables to the standard Windows command prompt (not to mention a built-in file manager and debugger). It's definitely geared more toward developers than end users, but it's worth a mention for its sheer power alone.


Lastly, if the only shells you use are Cygwin or MSYS/MinGW, you might prefer Mintty over Console. Cygwin's default program isn't very great, and Mintty gives you a few extra options over Console, but doesn't let you run other shells (like the Command Prompt or PowerShell), so it isn't quite as useful. Mintty is also free.

Do you have a favorite terminal program we didn't mention? Be sure to let us know about it in the comments.

Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories.


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