Cooking Crack In The Microwave

Cooking Crack In The Microwave 7,9/10 7270 votes

Feb 22, 2014 - Sparks fly when Glen microwaves a metal rim cup. Cuffy can't see the sparks. The crack head complains about someone screaming. The easiest way to cook crack!! Easy i swear to god you'll get it right on the first. Throw it in the microwave.for maybe 2:45 min.less if you wanna be safe.

  1. Cooking Cocaine In Microwave
  2. Make Crack In The Microwave
  3. Cooking Crack In The Microwave Oven

There have always been two camps when it comes to cooking perfect bacon: fans of the frying pan and those who cannot be budged from using the grill.

However, there seems to be a new contender on the scene; the microwave.

Cooking crack in the microwave

It seems sacrilegious - but can electromagnetic waves really deliver the results? FEMAIL put it to the test.

Essential items: We used one plate (left) and one shallow bowl (right) to balance the bacon on

Cooking Cocaine In Microwave

For the purposes of this experiment we purchased Simply M&S British Thick Cut Unsmoked Back Bacon, which cost £1.83 for a pack of six rashers.

The experiment was conducted by Rebecca Hutson, director of video at MailOnline.


First Rebecca procured a plate and a shallow bowl from the office kitchen.

She then placed the upturned bowl on top of the plate before delicately draping a rasher of bacon on top of it.

A paper towel was placed over the rasher to absorb grease.

As electromagnetic waves are able to penetrate deeply and quickly into food, we decided to blast the bacon for a total of three minutes, dedicating one minute 30 seconds to each side of the rasher.

A rasher of bacon is delicately draped over the upturned bowl, which is now balanced on the plate

To absorb excess grease, Rebecca places a paper towel on top of the bacon rasher

Cooking Crack In The Microwave

After the first 90 seconds, Rebecca removed the piping hot bacon, which was already starting to curl, from the microwave and turned the rasher around.

Another 90 seconds of zapping followed before the inimitable beeps signalled the end of the process.

As soon as we opened the microwave door, our noses were assailed with the distinctive smell of cooked bacon.

And much to our surprise, at first sight it looked like the rasher had indeed crisped up.

But was the result good enough for us to forego traditional rasher-cooking methods?

Rebecca told FEMAIL: 'We were very dubious this cooking hack would work and that the bacon would emerge crispy and ready to eat.

Let the experiment begin: The rasher goes into the microwave (left) for 1:30 on each side (right)

The moment of truth: Rebecca about to reveal if the microwave can indeed duplicate the results of a pan

'However we were all very surprised that after three minutes (one and a half minutes on each side), the bacon was crisp around the outside and filled the kitchen with that distinctive bacon aroma.

'The bowl was piping hot however and the kitchen towel was drenched with grease, so it was a little unpleasant.

'However, we think it's worth it in order to rustle up a diner-worthy breakfast in just a few minutes

I wouldn't describe myself as a culinary capable so it's nice to learn that you can cheat your way to a English breakfast with just a few simple tools and some patience.

‘Having said that, I don’t see myself cooking bacon in the microwave again. I'm a grill girl through and through.

At first glance it looks as if the experiment has worked as the bacon seems to have crisped up nicely

Make Crack In The Microwave

Success! Rebecca holds up the cooked bacon rasher after its 180-second microwave blast

Cooking Crack In The Microwave Oven

How to Make Crack in a Microwave - BuzzFeed
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How to Cook Crack - YouTube
Teenager killed stray cat by cooking it in microwave 'because he thought it was talking to him' Jamie Blake, 19, microwaved the cat to death while high on drugs
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